My Revealing Moments

This journey started with me as a child having a heart for hurting people. I had a passion to help and encourage others in whatever means of help I could provide, loving them, sharing with them, and even praying for them. I never liked seeing anyone ostracized because of where they lived, the clothes they wore, the color of their skin, or their educational background. I always saw my parents giving food, clothing, money, whatever they had, and even shelter to others. My mom always taught us about the love of God and inspired us to love God and His creation. That is what Jesus Did!

God had a purpose and plans for my life, and it involved helping and encouraging people. Later at the age of 23, I rededicated my life to Jesus and became filled with the Holy Spirit. That is when more boldness, writing, singing, studying the Word, worshiping the Lord, and a desire to pray for people became stronger. Whenever I felt a song in my heart inspired by God or an experience, I would write the songs on whatever I found to write on and wake up in the middle of the night and sing/record what I heard. It is funny because I hear all the instruments for that song as well.

Later, I began to share the writing that God gave me via blogging, speaking, singing, and sharing the good news of the gospel wherever I was directed to go. I purpose to inspire others to live a life of abundance and to know that they are beautiful and loved; there is nothing they cannot achieve!!!!  Life is not over because we missed it or failed at a particular thing. If we have breath in our body, there’s hope. Failure is not an option but a stepping stone for their next goal or accomplishment in life! I am still moving forward and refuse to become stagnant but pursuing God’s purpose by encouraging others and giving them hope!

I enjoy spending time with God, reading the Word and allowing Him to pour into me, which connects my heart to His heart. That inspires me to blog and write devotionals to encourage others. I hope and pray these Revealing Moments with God help you have a new perspective on God’s love for you. So, be intentional to see and obey God in a new way each day.