Heart Condition: Guard Your Heart

The month of February is the month of love. Love is a matter of the heart.

What is the condition of your HEART? What are you doing to guard/protect and keep your heart condition pure, healthy, and whole? Your heart is your life source SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY. When your heart is physically out of kilter, your entire body is impacted. In some instances, you become weak. When you apply the proper nutrients, eat the right foods, and do the right things to fuel your body, your heart thrives. If you fail to properly care for your heart, you will suffer physically because your heart is not in its proper physical condition or proper state.

Your heart impacts every vital organ of your body. Vital organs are designed to feed and support the life source in your physical body. The condition of you your heart impacts your ability to walk, think, or react. The same is true regarding the CONDITION OF YOUR SPIRITUAL HEART. What you allow in your Spiritual HEART (SPIRIT) is also vital.

Likewise, when your Spiritual HEART is not in line with the Word of God and you have not totally surrendered your heart to God or His Word, you are Spiritually dead and no life flows from you. You do not have the faith that is needed because you have allowed your heart to be clogged with junk and worldly ideas. Instead of feeding on and relying on the sincere meat of God’s Word, you rely on man, media, and the lies of the enemy. The Word of God says “Guard your heart with ALL DILIGENCE for out of it flows the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

If you do not guard your heart physically and spiritually you will not and cannot live a life of abundance in every area as God has created and ordained for us to do. I encourage you to become a better steward of your HEART (PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL LIFE SOURCE).

Please, take a moment to review the following scriptures concerning your HEART CONDITION.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 51:10
Luke 6:45
Ephesians 3:17
1 Peter 1:13
Philippians 4:13
Ezekiel 11:21

YOUR HEART MATTERS TO GOD. Remember to guard your heart and be sure your HEART condition is pure, healthy, and whole.


Forgive me God where I have missed you, especially with my motives, thoughts, and actions. I surrender my heart to you.  Create in me a clean heart and renew YOUR right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10), in Jesus Name. Amen